Changing lives through sesame seed : Zimbabwe
NewsA local Zimbabwe firm, Nyatande Agriculture has changed the livelihoods of the country’s poorest farmers by providing a reliable ecosystem around sesame seed. The small seed has become big dollars for the countrys impoverished farmers who find the drought resistant crop easy to grow. In a program pioneered by Nyatande Agriculture, seed bought from the growers at producer viable prices is shipped to export markets creating a reliable market for the growers.
“Nyatande Agriculture has saved us from exploitation from Mozambican buyers who used to buy our product for very low prices” said Angeline Nyabudu a subsistence sesame seed grower. She went on to show us the unharvested portion of her fields that she was in the process of harvesting for market. She went on to add, “in the next season I am going to increase my hectrage because Nyatande Agriculture has given us the confidence to grow larger volumes and I urge stakeholders to support Nyatande Agriculture as they have positively impacted our lives through sesame seed.”

Asked for comment the Managing Director of Nyatande Agriculture, Mr Ronald Murowe, expressed gratitude to the sesame seed growers who had trusted them with their produce and he thanked the growers for their overwhelming show of support and enthusiasm to work with a local company in sesame seed marketing.
“We have the opportunity to grow the national production of sesame seed in Zimbabwe to over 100,000 tonnes per year. With the support of local and international financial institutions like the African Development Bank AfDB, we will create a viable value chain that will benefit millions of the poorest citizens in the country,” Mr Murowe lamented.

Zimbabwe’s annual marketing of sesame seed has in the past been left to buyers from across its borders. Internationally sesame seed contributed $3 billion dollars to international trade in 2022, with Zimbabwe only officially realizing a paltry contribution of $85,000 on its official GDP figures. The Advent of Nyatande Agriculture will see the country realizing stronger revenues from this little known cash crop that is a staple in Asian markets.
As Africa continues its fight with climate change, drought resistant sesame seed is set to create new revenue streams for African countries. As players such as Nyatande Agriculture realise growth by empowering small scale growers, it becomes paramount for African banking institutions and governments to put their force behind the success of these innovative emerging business models. The government of Zimbabwe has already shown its support for Nyatande Agriculture by approving legislation that allows Nyatande Agriculture to implement a 100,000 participant outgrower scheme in the 2023/24 cropping season.